Problem Page

Possible Problem 1

This App is not available on the device you are using.

Pluss Communities Apps are only available for use on smartphones and tablets (with some exceptions) that allow for downloading from the App Store or through Google Play. You may be seeing this page because you have attempted to download this App through a non-supported device. Please try again from a supported smartphone or tablet!

Possible Problem 2

This App is not available in the country you are attempting to download it from.

The publisher of this Pluss Communities App might not have made the App you are looking for available in your location. If you know the contact details of the publisher/provider, please attempt contact with them as they may be able to extend the availability for you.


Possible Problem 3

This App is not available yet.

The Apps may not be ready yet for this community. They may be too early in the setup process, or the managers of the App may not be ready to deliver the content to you. If this is the case, please ask your community managers if access to this community through the Pluss Communities App is possible. There is no delay in accessing the community through the Pluss Communities App.


Possible Problem 4

Your device may not be able to support this App.

The smartphone or tablet you are attempting to access the community App through might not be able to support the minimum specifications that Pluss Communities Apps run on. We publish a list of minimum device specifications that you can use to check, and your own device should tell you what Apple and Android version numbers you currently have.


Possible Problem 5

This App may not exist (or has a billing issue).

You may be attempting to access an App that has not been created by its community leaders yet - or this App might not have continued its service subscription. Please check with your community managers whether they have started yet - you may be able to start an App yours.


Possible Problem 6

This App requires an operating system that your device does not use.

If your device does not run iOS or Android operating systems, this device will not be able to run a Pluss Communities App. If you do not have alternative devices to run these Applications on, it may be time to look into a device update. There are many experiences you will be missing out on!

Apps Available On

  • App store for seniors living apps

    App Store

  • Play store for seniors living apps

    Google Play