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68 Assisted Living Activities for Seniors

For the first 15 years of my career, I spent a lot of time coming up with ideas for programs and activities to run with children, young people and families. A well thought through set of get to know you activities and team building activities can really set you up for success in building community with people of any age, whether they be 12 year olds, 20 year olds or 80 year olds. We all have the same needs when we join or participate in a community. Make it easy for me to get to know other people, help me understand the rules of belonging, keep me all kinds of safe, give me a chance to participate, contribute and make it fun.  

 As you know, providing a high-quality living experience for residents encompasses not only ensuring their physical comfort and safety but also fostering their mental and emotional well-being. Plus it’s just so much more fun to come to work every day when your community has such a great vibe about it because residents love hanging out with each other.  One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through a well-planned and implemented activities program.

In this article, we will share expert insights and best practices specifically tailored to the challenges you face in managing assisted living communities. We will guide you through the process of planning and executing activities that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of your residents. From understanding their interests and abilities to ensuring safety and promoting social interaction, we will provide you with a comprehensive roadmap for creating a successful activity program that enhances the quality of life for your residents.

Why run activities in assisted living communities

Running activities in assisted living communities is crucial for enhancing the overall well-being of senior residents. These activities offer a range of benefits that contribute to their physical, cognitive, and social health. Here are some key reasons why we should run activities in assisted living communities:

  1. Physical Health Promotion: Regular physical activities can improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and balance, reducing the risk of falls and other age-related health issues.

  2. Cognitive Stimulation: Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can help maintain cognitive function, reduce the risk of dementia, and improve memory.

  3. Social Interaction: Group activities foster social interaction, combat loneliness, and provide opportunities for residents to build meaningful relationships.

  4. Purpose and Fulfilment: Activities that align with residents' interests and passions can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, promoting overall well-being.

  5. Reduction of Conflict: Engaging activities helps build relationships and understanding, which reduces the likelihood of conflict because residents have a greater understanding of each other.

  6. Improved Quality of Life: Participation in enjoyable activities can enhance residents' quality of life by bringing joy, laughter, and a sense of accomplishment.

  7. Increased Independence: Activities that promote self-care and independence can help residents maintain their dignity and autonomy.

  8. Family Engagement: Involving family members in activities can strengthen family bonds and provide opportunities for intergenerational connections.

  9. Staff Morale: Engaging activities can create a positive and stimulating work environment for staff, leading to higher job satisfaction.

  10. Community Building: Shared activities create a sense of community and belonging, fostering a supportive and caring environment.

How to cater for resident interests and preferences

Ensuring engaging and fulfilling activities for residents in assisted living communities is crucial for their overall well-being and quality of life. To achieve this, it is essential to understand the preferences and interests of the residents and tailor activities accordingly. This can be achieved through various approaches, including surveys and feedback, the formation of resident committees, recognition of varied interests, regular activity rotations, and the provision of options for individual preferences. Below are some ways to cater for resident preferences.

  • Surveys and Feedback: Regularly survey residents to understand their interests and preferences. This helps in tailoring activities to their likes and needs.

  • Resident Committees: Form resident committees to help plan and choose activities, ensuring their voices are heard.

  • Varied Interests: Recognize and cater to varied interests, such as gardening, technology, cooking, or music.

  • Activity Rotations: Rotate activities periodically to keep engagement high and prevent boredom.

  • Individual Preferences: Provide options for solo activities for residents who prefer solitary pursuits, like reading or painting.

  • Focus Groups: Conduct focus groups to dive deeper into specific interests and gather detailed feedback.

  • Trend Monitoring: Keep an eye on trending activities in other assisted living communities and consider their applicability.

  • Trial Runs: Introduce new activities on a trial basis to gauge interest before making them permanent.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Ensure activities respect and reflect the cultural backgrounds of all residents.

  • Resident Spotlights: Feature resident talents and hobbies in activities, such as showcasing an artist's work or a chef's cooking skills.

Plan for physical and cognitive abilities in your activities

In any senior living community, the goal is to provide a fulfilling and enjoyable life for all residents, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. Creating a diverse and inclusive environment is key to achieving this. This section focuses on implementing various strategies and considerations to ensure that activities and programs are accessible, engaging, and suitable for all residents. By catering to different levels of mobility, cognitive abilities, and physical fitness levels, we can create a truly inclusive and enriching experience for everyone in the community.

  • Accessibility: Ensure activities are accessible to residents with different levels of mobility and cognitive abilities. Provide options for those who are wheelchair-bound or have other physical limitations.

  • Adapted Activities: Adapt activities to suit varying cognitive abilities. For example, simpler games or puzzles for those with dementia.

  • Physical Fitness Levels: Offer different levels of physical activities, such as gentle yoga for those with limited mobility and more vigorous exercises for those who are more active.

  • Cognitive Engagement: Include both mentally stimulating activities and those that require minimal cognitive effort.

  • Assistive Devices: Ensure the availability of assistive devices, such as hearing aids or magnifiers, to help residents participate fully.

  • Personalised Plans: Develop personalised activity plans that cater to the individual physical and cognitive abilities of residents.

  • Staff Training: Train staff to recognize and adapt to varying abilities, ensuring they can support all residents effectively.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Offer flexible scheduling to allow residents to participate when they feel their best.

  • Therapeutic Activities: Include therapeutic activities such as music therapy, pet therapy, and art therapy.

  • Collaborate with Healthcare Providers: Work with healthcare providers to create safe and beneficial activity plans.

Plan ahead to alleviate health and safety issues

The health and safety of residents are of utmost importance in planning and implementing activities in assisted living communities. Ensuring a safe and supportive environment is crucial for promoting residents' well-being and quality of life. Here are some practical measures and considerations for creating a safe and healthy atmosphere for residents during activities

  • Supervision: Ensure adequate staff or volunteer supervision to assist residents and respond to any emergencies.

  • Safety Measures: Implement safety measures, such as non-slip mats for fitness activities, proper hydration for outdoor activities, and first-aid kits on hand.

  • Emergency Protocols: Establish clear emergency protocols and ensure all staff are trained to handle emergencies.

  • Health Checks: Perform regular health checks to ensure residents are fit to participate in certain activities.

  • Medication Management: Coordinate with healthcare providers to ensure activities do not interfere with residents' medication schedules.

  • Risk Assessments: Conduct risk assessments for all activities to identify and mitigate potential hazards.

  • Sanitization: Maintain high standards of sanitization, especially for activities involving shared equipment.

  • Comfort Considerations: Ensure the environment is comfortable, with appropriate seating, temperature control, and lighting.

  • Resident Briefings: Brief residents on safety procedures and what to expect during activities.

  • Feedback on Safety: Encourage residents and staff to provide feedback on safety concerns and suggestions for improvement.

Maximise social interaction

Social interaction is a vital part of maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life, especially for seniors living in assisted living communities. Below are some strategies for fostering social interaction among residents, promoting a sense of community, and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals.

  • Community Building: Design activities that encourage social interaction and community building. Group activities, such as group walks, book clubs, or communal dining events, foster a sense of belonging.

  • Inclusivity: Ensure all residents feel included, especially newcomers or those who may be shy or less socially active.

  • Icebreakers: Use icebreaker activities to help residents get to know each other and build friendships.

  • Intergenerational Activities: Organise events that involve younger generations, such as visits from schools or youth groups.

  • Volunteer Opportunities: Offer opportunities for residents to volunteer or mentor, enhancing their sense of purpose and connection.

  • Buddy Systems: Implement a buddy system to pair new residents with established ones to help them integrate.

  • Social Clubs: Create social clubs based on common interests, such as a knitting club or chess club.

  • Celebrations: Host celebrations for birthdays, anniversaries, and other milestones to bring residents together.

  • Interactive Games: Include interactive games that require teamwork, such as trivia or board games.

  • Resident-Led Activities: Encourage residents to lead activities, fostering leadership and deeper connections.

Develop regular scheduling and variety of activities

Establishing a regular schedule of activities provides a sense of structure and predictability for residents in assisted living communities. This section discusses the importance of maintaining a consistent schedule while introducing variety to keep activities interesting and prevent monotony.

  • Routine: Maintain a consistent schedule for activities, which helps residents know what to expect and look forward to.

  • Variety: While routine is important, also introduce new and varied activities to keep things interesting and prevent monotony.

  • Seasonal Activities: Plan activities around seasons and holidays to create a festive atmosphere.

  • Special Events: Organise special events or themed weeks to break the routine and add excitement.

  • Feedback-Based Adjustments: Regularly adjust the schedule based on feedback to ensure it meets residents' evolving needs.

  • Daily Activities: Ensure there are daily activities available, including weekends, to keep residents engaged.

  • Time of Day: Schedule activities at different times of the day to accommodate varying resident routines and energy levels.

  • Short and Long Activities: Offer both short (15-30 minutes) and long (1-2 hours) activities to suit different attention spans and preferences.

  • Collaborations: Collaborate with other assisted living communities for joint events, adding variety and new social opportunities.

  • Drop-In Activities: Provide drop-in activities that don’t require prior registration, allowing spontaneous participation.

  • Use the Pluss Communities Events feature to easily schedule, manage and communicate about your events.

Enhance engagement and stimulation

Engaging and stimulating activities are essential for the physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being of residents in assisted living communities. Consider exploring these different types of activities that provide opportunities for mental stimulation, physical exercise, creative expression, sensory engagement, and social interaction.

  • Mental Stimulation: Include activities that stimulate the mind, such as trivia games, storytelling sessions, or educational talks.

  • Physical Exercise: Incorporate physical activities suited to seniors, like chair yoga, light aerobics, or walking groups, to promote physical health.

  • Creative Activities: Offer creative outlets such as art classes, music sessions, or writing workshops.

  • Sensory Activities: Include sensory activities like gardening, aromatherapy, or pet therapy to engage different senses.

  • Tech Engagement: Introduce technology-based activities, such as computer classes or virtual reality experiences, to stimulate curiosity and learning.

  • Memory Activities: Plan activities that engage memory, such as reminiscing sessions or memory games.

  • Outings: Organise outings to local attractions, parks, or museums for a change of scenery and new experiences.

  • Guest Speakers: Invite guest speakers to give talks on various topics of interest.

  • Cultural Experiences: Provide cultural experiences, such as watching foreign films, trying different cuisines, or learning about different countries.

  • Interactive Learning: Implement interactive learning sessions, such as cooking classes or science demonstrations.

Embrace cultural and religious events

Cultural and religious sensitivity are crucial in creating an inclusive environment for residents in assisted living communities. Involving residents in planning for cultural and religious festivals that are important to them helps them feel valued, encourages understanding and stimulates learning and growth through new experiences.  

  • Cultural Activities: Include activities that reflect the diverse cultural backgrounds of the residents.

  • Religious Services: Offer religious or spiritual services and activities for residents who wish to participate.

  • Holiday Celebrations: Celebrate various cultural and religious holidays to foster inclusion and respect.

  • Cultural Education: Provide educational sessions about different cultures and religions to promote understanding and acceptance.

  • Language Inclusion: Offer activities in different languages if there is a diverse linguistic population.

  • Respectful Scheduling: Avoid scheduling activities that conflict with religious observances.

  • Diverse Cuisine: Occasionally serve meals from different cultures to enhance the cultural experience.

  • Cultural Performances: Arrange for cultural performances, such as traditional dances or music.

  • Resident Contributions: Encourage residents to share their cultural traditions and stories.

  • Inclusive Environment: Ensure the community environment is inclusive and respectful of all cultural and religious beliefs.

Find ways to involve families

Family involvement is vital for the overall well-being of residents in assisted living communities. It can be a tightrope walk to get the balance right between support and independence.  You can consider  strategies for engaging families in activities, facilitating communication, and creating opportunities for intergenerational interactions.

  • Family Events: Organise events that encourage family participation, such as family game nights, picnics, or holiday celebrations.

  • Communication: Keep families informed about activity schedules and special events, encouraging their involvement. Used the Linked User type to connect family members to residents in the Pluss App.

  • Volunteer Opportunities: Create opportunities for family members to volunteer or assist in activities.

  • Intergenerational Programs: Develop programs that involve both residents and their grandchildren or other younger family members.

  • Family Feedback: Collect feedback from families to understand their perspectives and suggestions for activities.

  • Family Days: Designate specific days for family visits and special activities.

  • Open Houses: Host open house events where families can visit and learn about daily life and activities in the community.

  • Shared Projects: Plan projects that families and residents can work on together, such as gardening or crafting.

  • Support Groups: Offer support groups for family members to share experiences and advice.

  • Communication Platforms: Utilise communication platforms, such as The Pluss Communities app, to keep families updated and involved.

Build professional partnerships to extend the program

Partnering with external organizations, therapists, entertainers, and community resources can enhance the quality and variety of activities in assisted living communities. Here are some of the benefits of professional partnerships and provides practical suggestions for collaborating with external entities.

  • External Experts: Partner with local organisations, therapists, or entertainers to bring in external expertise and variety. Examples include music therapists, pet therapy organisations, or local artists.

  • Community Resources: Utilise community resources, such as libraries, museums, or senior centres, to enhance activity offerings.

  • Local Businesses: Collaborate with local businesses for sponsorships or to provide unique experiences, like cooking classes from local chefs.

  • Healthcare Professionals: Involve healthcare professionals in planning activities that promote health

Activity and event ideas for Assisted Living

Below are 68 activity and event ideas that can inspire even further creativity and ideas to keep your program humming and fresh. Download our handy content guide for even more ideas


•  Book Club: Book of the Month in Review

•  Book Fair: Exchange books and potentially meet authors - could be for residents and family members


•  Become a Justice of the Peace: act as a witness of official or legal documents

•  Volunteer with Homeless Connect: one-day event linking homeless people with vital services

•  Indigenous Community Volunteers

•  Australian Youth Mentoring Network: links mentors with mentoring programs for young people


•  Sip and Paint: Monthly wine and painting workshop

•  Morning Crocheting/Knitting session


•  University Open Day for Residents: Getting representatives from local universities to visit the residents to talk about short courses and offerings for mature aged students wanting to broaden their knowledge

•  Learning the Basics of [Language]: Potential for a resident who speaks a second language or a teacher to run an introduction class to learning a particular language


•  Dapper Day: Occasion to throwback, dress up and mingle

•  Party like it’s 1955 - Social event

See this form in the original post


•  Teddy Bear’s Picnic: Picnic in the park with grandkids - planned activities for family fun

•  Australian Wine: National Tasting Tour

•  Monthly Adventure: Being a Local Tourist - Visiting and learning about locations/scenery/attractions that aren’t far from home from a tourist’s perspective

•  Video Series: Spotlight the different parts of Australia residents are from and the unique qualities of the town/region

•  Monthly excursion (QPAC, Brisbane River Cruise and/or Markets)


•  Spring Cleaning: Suitcase Rummage - event where residents can bring a suitcase of clothes they wish to sell/trade with each other

•  DIY Fashion Show - Using unusual/household items residents must use their design skills to come up with a fashion statement that will rule the runway

•  Suit Up! Tie making workshop for the village’s gentlemen


•  Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (Or movie themed community event)

•  Outdoor Cinema: Showcase a movie on a project screen

•  Film Festival: Short film showcase

•  Make a Movie Workshop: Filmmaking basics class


•  Finance Seminar: Banking Experts Visit the Residents

Food & Nutrition

•  Farmers Market Visit: Take an Excursion to a local farmers market to purchase fresh produce

•  Cuisine of the Month: a cooking class exploring foods and recipes from around the world

•  Bake-off: Semi-annual bake-off event/competition/brunch

•  MasterChef Session: Bring in a local chef to run a master class on one of their favourite dishes


•  Generation Mix Up - Social gathering where residents are encouraged to dress up like Millennials

•  Gen Z and Baby Boomer Networking Session

•  Back to School - A High School IT Class teaching a fun and interactive technology tutorial

Global Trends

•  Excursion: News Station Tour

Health & Wellness

•  Don’t Miss a Beat: First Aid Training Session

•  “Gym Name - Are Gyms Worth the Hassle?” Workshop

•  Salsa Dance Class


•  Interior Decorating Masterclass: run by expert residents or industry professional


•  Shopping Online vs In-store Guided Session


•  Wisdom Forum: Industry Spotlight - [Internal] Residents who are industry experts discuss big ideas (potential podcast/video series); [External] Expert panel of residents presenting at industry events

•  Mentoring volunteering


•  Magic Milestone Event - celebrating one of the most exciting milestones - retirement!


•  Music Lessons: Lessons (instruments/vocals) by residents for other residents or community members/lessons by music professionals for the residents

•  Battle of the Bands Event

•  Musician of the Month: Local talent to visit and perform

•  Karaoke Night


•  Nursery/Botanic Gardens Visit/Excursion

•  Take a Hike - A Day Trip to the Mountains


•  Car Show Visit/Excursion

•  Woodwork Workshop


•  New Friends: Speed Dating

•  Meet the Community (Networking) Event: Human Bingo - Create bingo cards that have human characteristics, qualities or interests that they need to find and cross off

•  Trivia Night - Opportunity to meet new people

•  Bring your own Board Game - Residents bring their own game to play with others

Role Models

•  Local Legends: Meet and Greet - [Inbound] Meet inspiring members of local community; [Outbound] Inspiring residents to speak at community events


•  Importance of Time Management Workshop


•  Christmas Card Making

•  Trick or Treat this Halloween: Bring the Kids


•  Visit Local Sports Match

•  Visit Top Golf (Gold Coast)

•  Unique Sports Events (i.e. Learn how to play Ultimate Frisbee)

•  Fun Tournaments - Table Tennis, Pool, etc


•  Technology to Make Your Life Easier: Monthly digital workshops

•  “How To” workshops


•  Gogglebox: Residents Edition - Short video series of charismatic residents watching and reviewing popular television shows


•  Annual Musical Production: Resident made theatrical event, requiring writers, directors, performers, etc. to be performed for other residents and family members

Travel – International

•  Drink Around the World: An International Wine and Liquor Tasting Night

•  Excursion: Visiting Travel Expos

•  Video Series: Where Are You From? Short videos sharing the countries where residents and their families are from, highlighting unique qualities of country/region