How to Choose the Best Resident Communication App for Your Retirement Village in 2024

How to choose a resident communications app

A guide for managers tasked with choosing an app for residents to use to in a retirement village or over 50’s lifestyle resort

The digital landscape in aged care and retirement living is evolving rapidly, and selecting the right resident communication app for your retirement village or land lease community is more critical than ever. With an array of options available, it’s essential to identify a solution that meets the unique needs of your community, fosters engagement, and enhances the overall experience for residents and staff alike. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the decision-making process in 2024.

1. Identify Your Community’s Specific Needs

Every retirement village and land lease community has its own culture, expectations, and communication requirements. Start by assessing the unique needs of your community:

  • Resident Demographics:

    • Evaluate the age range and tech proficiency of your residents.

    • Consider if there are residents with special needs who might require more tailored communication tools.

    • Assess the languages spoken within your community and whether the app supports multilingual communication.

    • See our guide to help you work through resident and community readiness

  • Communication Channels:

    • Determine the preferred communication method among residents—mobile, desktop, or print.

    • Ensure the app supports alternative communication methods for those less comfortable with technology.

    • Consider the integration of social media platforms if relevant to your community.

  • Engagement Goals:

    • Define what successful engagement looks like for your community.

    • Determine how you will measure success, whether through participation rates, resident satisfaction surveys, or other metrics.

    • Identify any existing communication gaps that need addressing.

2. Prioritize Ease of Use and Accessibility

The best communication app is one that residents and staff can use effortlessly. Look for features that make life easier:

  • User-Friendly Interface:

    • Choose apps that offer a clean, uncluttered interface with intuitive navigation.

    • Test the app with a sample group of residents to gauge its usability.

    • Consider apps that offer customizable dashboards for users to tailor their experience.

  • Accessibility Features:

    • Ensure the app is WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliant.

    • Look for speech-to-text and text-to-speech capabilities for residents with hearing or visual impairments.

    • Evaluate the app's compatibility with assistive devices like screen readers and voice recognition tools.

  • Training and Support:

    • Check if the vendor provides user manuals, video tutorials, and live training sessions. At Pluss Communities, we offer a comprehensive training program to ensure your team is fully equipped to use our platform.

    • Ensure ongoing support is available, particularly during the initial rollout.

    • Consider if the app has a dedicated customer support team with a ticketing system with experience in senior living.

    • Ensure you have checked (SLA’s) Service Level Agreements for support response times and review options for enterprise level of support

3. Explore Customization Options for Tailored Experiences

Customization is a key consideration when choosing a resident communication app, as it allows you to adapt the platform to meet the specific needs of your community. The more customizable the app, the better it can align with your goals and the preferences of your residents and staff.

  • Customizable Layouts:

    • Some apps offer a fixed layout, while others allow you to rearrange sections and features. Choose an app that offers flexibility in how information is displayed, so you can prioritize the most important content for your users.

    • Look for options to personalize the dashboard for different users, making it easier for residents and staff to access the features they use most frequently.

    • Determine if you can switch between grid, list, or calendar views, depending on the user’s preference.

  • Pick and Choose Features:

    • The best apps allow you to select only the features that are relevant to your community, avoiding clutter and confusion for users. For example, if your community doesn’t need a specific function like Offers or Groups then you can opt to exclude it from the platform.

    • Consider apps that allow you to add or remove features over time, giving you the flexibility to scale the app as your community’s needs evolve.

  • Feature Duplication and Custom Naming:

    • Look for apps that allow you to duplicate existing features and customize them for specific purposes. For instance, you might want to create two different “Announcements” sections—one for residents and one for staff—with each serving different content.

    • Ensure you can rename features to match your community’s terminology. For example, renaming “Event Calendar” to “Social Hub” could better align with your branding and community feel.

  • Flexible User Views:

    • A truly customizable app should allow different user groups (residents, staff, family members) to have unique views and access to different features. Residents might primarily see event listings and announcements, while staff may need access to task management or maintenance requests.

    • Check if the app allows customizable permissions, so you can control who sees what information. This ensures that sensitive data is only accessible to authorized personnel, and users aren’t overwhelmed with irrelevant content.

  • Personalized Notifications:

    • Look for apps that allow users to tailor their notification preferences. Residents may want alerts for social events, while staff might prefer notifications about maintenance tasks or resident feedback.

By choosing a communication app with strong customization options, you can ensure the platform aligns with the unique preferences and needs of your community, ultimately driving better engagement and satisfaction among residents and staff alike.

4. Tailor Communication and Features to Specific Audiences

A resident communication app should allow you to customize not just the layout and features, but also the audience for each communication. Ensuring that the right information reaches the right people can greatly improve efficiency, engagement, and overall satisfaction within your community.

  • Targeted Communication:

    • Choose an app that allows you to segment your audience. This can be by resident group, staff roles, family members, or even specific interest-based groups within your community.

    • Tailor announcements, event invites, and other communications to specific audience segments. For example, you can send social event reminders to residents while staff receive updates about maintenance schedules.

    • Ensure the app allows for scheduling communications to specific groups at different times, optimizing engagement based on the audience’s preferences and routines.

  • Audience Control for Features:

    • Some features, like maintenance requests or task assignments, are only relevant to staff, while others, like event calendars or announcements, are for residents. Choose an app that allows you to control which features are visible to different audiences.

    • For instance, residents might only see a simplified dashboard with events, announcements, and feedback forms, while staff can access more administrative tools, such as task tracking or community management reports.

  • Role-Based Access to Features:

    • Ensure the app offers role-based access control, so users can only access the features relevant to them. This is particularly useful for staff members with varying responsibilities, such as event coordinators, maintenance workers, or community managers.

    • You can set up different dashboards for different roles—for example, administrators might see financial data and resident feedback, while activity coordinators have access to event planning tools and engagement metrics.

  • Custom Communication Channels for Different Groups:

    • Look for apps that allow you to create separate communication channels or discussion forums for different groups, such as residents, family members, or staff. This ensures that communication stays organized, and relevant information isn’t lost in general announcements.

    • Consider features that allow for private messaging between staff and residents or between family members and the community, ensuring privacy while keeping lines of communication open.

By using audience-specific features, you can ensure that each group within your community receives relevant and meaningful communication. This not only improves engagement but also minimizes information overload and ensures smoother operations within the community.

5. Assess Security and Compliance

With increasing concerns over data privacy and cybersecurity, choosing an app that prioritizes resident data protection is non-negotiable:

  • Data Encryption:

    • Confirm that all data, both at rest and in transit, is encrypted using industry-standard methods.

    • Check if the app offers end-to-end encryption for private communications.

    • Ensure that the app’s data storage meets international standards for security and privacy.

  • Compliance with Regulations:

    • Verify that the app is compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and other relevant legislation.

    • Consider if the vendor is proactive about staying compliant with future regulations, such as emerging data protection laws.

    • Evaluate if the app allows you to easily manage consent and data-sharing preferences for residents.

  • User Permissions:

    • Choose an app that offers granular control over user permissions and roles.

    • Ensure that sensitive data is accessible only to authorized personnel.

    • Consider audit trails and reporting features to monitor data access and changes.

  • Certifications:

    • Does the vendor have certifications like ISO27001:2022 or SOC 2 to demonstrate their commitment to security and compliance

    • Pluss Communities is currently the only resident communication app to have ISO-27001:2022 certification.

6. Consider Integration and Scalability

A communication app should not exist in isolation but work seamlessly with your existing systems:

  • Integration with Existing Software:

    • Confirm that the app can integrate with your CRM, billing systems, and other essential tools.

    • Look for apps that offer API access or pre-built integrations with popular software used in the aged care sector.

    • Consider if the app can synchronize with other communication tools like email clients or social media platforms.

  • Scalability:

    • Ensure the app can handle an increasing number of users and data as your community grows.

    • Check if the app’s performance remains stable under heavy use.

    • Ensure the app can handle multiple communities and allows you to manage each community separately but also corporately.

    • Consider the potential costs of scaling and whether the vendor offers flexible pricing models.

  • Future-Proofing:

    • Evaluate if the vendor has a clear roadmap for future updates and enhancements.

    • Choose an app that is adaptable to new technologies and evolving communication trends.

    • Ensure the app can support additional features or modules as your community’s needs change.

  • Custom Development and Integration Charges:

    • What charges does the vendor outline for custom work? Does the vendor provide co-design pricing for feature enhancements? Getting clarity on pricing for your future needs prevents being over charged or not being able to afford to address your company’s specific roadmap of needs

7. Evaluate Features that Enhance Engagement

The right app should go beyond basic messaging to offer features that truly enhance resident engagement:

  • Event Management:

    • Look for apps that offer automated event reminders and calendar syncing.

    • Ensure residents can easily RSVP and receive notifications for event changes.

    • Consider if the app supports virtual events or hybrid event formats.

  • Community Building Tools:

    • Evaluate features like community forums, group chats, and social walls that encourage interaction. Pluss Communities offers robust community engagement features designed to build stronger connections among residents.

    • Look for apps that allow residents to create and manage their own interest groups or clubs.

    • Consider if the app supports content sharing, such as photos, videos, or newsletters.

  • Feedback Mechanisms:

    • Choose an app that allows for anonymous feedback to encourage honest input.

    • Look for built-in surveys or polls to gather resident opinions on various topics.

    • Consider if the app allows residents to easily report issues or submit requests, and whether those can be tracked by staff.

8. Review Costs and Return on Investment

While price is an important consideration, it should not be the only factor:

  • Transparent Pricing:

    • Ensure you understand all costs associated with the app, including setup fees, subscription costs, and potential add-on charges.

    • Look for vendors that offer a clear breakdown of costs, so you can accurately budget for the app.

    • Consider the potential for bulk pricing or discounts based on the size of your community.

  • ROI Considerations:

    • Calculate the potential savings in time and resources by automating communication processes.

    • Evaluate the impact of improved resident satisfaction and engagement on retention and occupancy rates.

    • Consider if the app will reduce the need for physical materials, such as printed newsletters, resulting in cost savings.

    • For more a more detailed review of ROI jump into this handy guide.

  • Long-Term Value:

    • Assess whether the app will remain relevant and useful as technology and resident expectations evolve.

    • Consider the potential for the app to generate additional revenue streams, such as premium features for residents.

    • Look at the overall value proposition and how it aligns with your community’s long-term goals.

9. Request Demos and References

Before making your final decision, get hands-on experience with potential apps:

  • Schedule Demos:

    • Arrange for live demonstrations with key stakeholders, including residents, staff, and management. You can request a demo with Pluss Communities to see how our platform can meet your needs.

    • Test the app under real-world conditions to evaluate its performance and ease of use.

    • Use the demo period to explore all features thoroughly and ask questions about customization options.

  • Check References:

    • Request references from communities similar to yours to understand their experiences.

    • Ask about the app’s reliability, vendor responsiveness, and the overall satisfaction of the reference’s residents and staff.

    • Consider visiting a community that uses the app to see it in action and gather direct feedback.

    • Review case studies provided by the vendor

10. Consider Vendor Reputation and Support

The vendor’s reputation and the level of support they offer are just as important as the app itself:

  • Vendor History:

    • Research the vendor’s history in the aged care or retirement living sector.

    • Look for companies with a strong track record of innovation and customer satisfaction.

    • Consider the vendor’s financial stability and long-term viability.

    • If you are going with a small vendor then consider their length of time in the industry, who their investors are and their long term commitment to the success of the company.

  • Support Services:

    • Ensure the vendor provides comprehensive onboarding support, including data migration and training.

    • Look for a dedicated account manager or support team who can address your community’s specific needs. Pluss Communities is known for its exceptional customer support, ensuring a smooth transition and ongoing assistance.

    • Evaluate the vendor’s commitment to ongoing customer service, including regular check-ins and updates.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right App for a Connected Community

Choosing the right resident communication app in 2024 is about more than just technology—it’s about enhancing the lives of your residents and creating a thriving, connected community. By carefully considering your community’s needs, prioritizing ease of use, and ensuring security and scalability, you’ll be well on your way to making an informed decision that benefits everyone involved.

With the right tools in place, you can build a community where residents feel more connected, informed, and engaged—a place where they can truly call home. When meeting with the team from Pluss Communities, ensure they can answer these questions to your required level of satisfaction.


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