Setting up a kiosk

Setting up a Kiosk

The Pluss kiosk system empowers you to efficiently manage the sign-in and sign-out process for visitors, contractors, keys and cards. It also allows guests to stay connected with your community through a user-friendly browsing view.

Setting up your kiosk.

Setting up a kiosk

Setting up your standard browsing kiosk.

Your community’s hub is the perfect place to offer a browsing kiosk to the members of your community. Guests have the freedom to view news stories and events without being a user of the app.

Adding standard kiosk user profile

A member of the Pluss team will create the new standard kiosk user profile. Please supply an email address and password which you would like to be assigned to this profile.

Setting up your standard browsing kiosk

  1. Download your community’s app on the device of your choice (eg tablet).

  2. Login using the Standard Kiosk user email address and password.

The kiosk interface is now ready for the members of your community to start browsing.

Setting up a kiosk
Setting up a kiosk

Setting up your visitor sign-in kiosk.

The sign-in kiosk allows visitors, contractors and staff to sign in and sign out. Users can also scan a QR code to access the same features on their own device.

Setting up a kiosk

Adding sign-in kiosk user profile

A member of the Pluss team will create the new sign-in kiosk user profile. Please supply an email address and password which you would like to be assigned to this profile.

Setting up your sign-in kiosk

  1. Login to Community Manager.

  2. Select ‘Sign-ins’ via the left side menu.

  3. Select ‘Forms’.

  4. Select ‘New Sign-in Form’.

  5. Enter the form details including:

    1. Form type

    2. Form name

    3. Form icon

    4. Question name/s

    5. Click ‘Save’

Setting up a kiosk

Now, download your community’s app on the device of your choice (eg tablet) and login using the sign-in kiosk user email address and password. The sign-in interface is now ready for your community.

Once visitors sign in they will receive an SMS containing their sign out code.

Please note: To exit kiosk mode and navigate back to the login screen, tap the logo in the header five times.

View Sign-ins

To view the full list of visitors who have signed in or out:

  1. Login to Community Manager.

  2. Select ‘Sign-ins’ via the left side menu.

  3. Select ‘View Sign-ins’.

All visitors who have signed in or out are stored here. Use the filter and search function to narrow your search or download the full list as a CSV file by clicking the ‘Download List’ button.

Setting up a kiosk
Setting up a kiosk

Managing your keys and cards.

Manage the signing in and out of all your keys and cards for your community.

Adding a new key or card

  1. Login to Community Manager.

  2. Select ‘Sign-ins’ via the left side menu.

  3. Select ‘Keys & Cards’.

  4. Select ‘New Key’.

  5. Enter the key / card name.

  6. Click ‘Save’.

Your key or card is now registered in the system.

Keys and cards

Registering the key or card to a person

  1. Navigate to the key or card that you wish to loan.

  2. Select ‘Register to person’.

  3. Enter the following details:

    1. Name

    2. Phone number

    3. Email

  4. Click ‘Save’.

The key or card has now been registered to this person.

Keys and cards

Returning the key or card

  1. Navigate to the key or card that you wish to return.

  2. Select ‘Mark as returned’.

The key or card has now been returned.

Keys and cards

Navigating the Kays & Cards dashboard

  • To edit the key or card details click the pencil icon.

  • To delete the key or card click the dash icon.

  • Click on the ‘View history’ button to view a log of the sign in and sign out history.

Keys and cards